First off this week, a note of shameless self-promotion: with the holidays coming, my novel The Collaborator would make a great gift for that friend or loved one who enjoys combining religion and mystery. Here are a couple of reviews I'm linking to for the first time, as well as an interview I did earlier in the year.
And now back to our regularly-scheduled programming...
At the mystery blog Criminal Element, a writer says it's time for us to admit that The Sopranos wasn't really all that great.
Lincoln X-ray Ida looks at an Adam-12 episode with an appropriate title for our time, reminding us that we are "Citizens All."
We may be counting down to Christmas, but television's already there! Joanna of Christmas TV History tells us where to find our favorite Yuletide movies and shows, and the retro schedule on getTV is especially good news.
One of the year's biggest classic DVD releases was that of season one of The Defenders, and Classic Film and TV Cafe runs down the five best episodes of that first season.
In honor of Veterans Day last Friday, The Twilight Zone Vortex gives us a rundown of the fabled series' war episodes.
Right now I'm putting the finishing touches on my new novel, The Car, so naturally I'd be drawn to Realweegiemidget's top five movies and TV shows where the car's the star.
Remember the View-Master? I do, and so does Comfort TV, where David shares the TV shows that were big hits when viewed through the 3-D viewer.
Cult TV Blog has some observations on a couple of British kids' shows from the '70s: The Owl Service and The Flockton Flyer. I love his phrase about "my jaundiced meanderings," which has to be why we get along so well!
Enjoy the end of your week; see you back here tomorrow! TV
Thank you for always including the Vortex, Mitchell. We appreciate it!