I just finished watching a Road Runner-Coyote cartoon, so you'll forgive me if I have that on my mind even as I'm linking to John's story about the X-Files episode "Roadrunners," this week at Cult TV Blog.
Something else I've thought about lately is the pleasure of holding a physical copy of a magazine in your hands after it's just arrived in the mail, and what it was like to have that to look forward to. At Comfort TV, David recalls how magazines mattered in classic TV shows; those were the days.
I don't often do current television, but when you see a character named "Bearclaw Bugle," well, you're not going to pass it up. That's part of Gill's review of the TV-movie The Warrant: Breaker's Law over at Realweegiemidget, so head over there and find out if this is for you.
No story to read here, but I couldn't resist linking to the Broadcast Archives and this ultra-cool picture of the greatest entertainment center you're ever going to see. I don't know what it would look like in our living room, and I'm not sure I'd care.
Newton Minow, one of the major figures in television history, died last weekend, aged 97. Yes, it's true that the boat in Gilligan's Island was named after him, but he also delivered the "vast wasteland" speech that defines how we look at television even now. Terence remembers him at A Shroud of Thoughts.
Robert at Television Obscurites reports on yet another rare television series coming to DVD, courtesy of ClassicFlix: World of Giants. It's only 13 episodes, but it's excellent that obscure shows continue to come out, and let's hope for more.
Whenever there's another Avengers review at The View from the Junkyard, you can bet you're going to read about it here. This week: "Dial a Deadly Number," a fine Steed-Emma episode; check and see what Roger and Mike have to say. TV
Thanks for the mention Mitchell, have a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteYou as well, Gill!