June 21, 2024

Around the dial

It's remarkable how close to the screen people used to sit to watch TV, isn't it? As someone with more than a passing interest in interior design and layout, I'd be interested to know what the rest of the living room looked like. Based on the position of the ottoman, you'd have to think that dad's chair has been turned around to face the set, and everyone's gathered around. Nowadays, we make the television the focal point of our living room. I'm not saying it's better or worse, just different.

Anyway, the Broadcast Archives shares a story about a game that this family might have played, once upon a time. It's called the Radio Game, made by Milton Bradley, and was one of the things people might have used to become more comfortable with new technology. Ever seen this in an antique store?

The View from the Junkyard continues its journey through the oeuvre of The Avengers; this week, we pick up where we left off last week, with Linda Thorson (Tara King) still on vacation, and appropriately the episode is titled "The Morning After." Even though she's not in it much, she's still a help to Steed.

Brian Clemens, producer of The Avengers, had high praise for the nineties series Bugs, comparing it favorably to that iconic show. Of course, he had something to do with Bugs as well, but, as John points out at Cult TV Blog, it's a series that lives up to the billing, and more.

Another week, another blog anniversary; this time, it's one of my favorite sites, Television Obscurities, which is celebrating its 21st, and that's enough to make this humble site of mine feel like a piker. It sounds as if Robert has some interesting projects in the hopper; looking forward to seeing them.

The Oscar-nominated actress Anouk Aimée died this week, age 92, and at A Shroud of Thoughts, Terence has a look back at her remarkable career, which includes an impressive television resume in addition to her many movies. She was a genuine movie star.

Martin Grams takes a look at the latest season of Doctor Who, airing on Disney+ here in the good old U.S.of A. I've mentioned that I gave up on the series a few years ago, and even if I hadn't, I wouldn't give Disney a penny of my money, but of course I'm happy for the fans who've stuck with it. 

The Twilight Zone Vortex is back, and this week Jordon reviews the final-season dystopian episode "The Old Man in the Cave," starring James Coburn, John Anderson and John Marley. Not vintage TZ perhaps, but this excellent writeup shows how it still touches on serious issues worth discussing. TV  


  1. I miss TV sets that were actual pieces of furniture. I still remember vividly the giant Magnavox we had, with lots of wood and all these cubby holes to put things in. These days people put their flat screens on a wall (which I hate!).

    1. Agreed! There was a real style to them, whether Danish modern or Early American, and they had character! Some of the entertainment centers can sort of approximate it, but it's not the same, is it?

  2. Replies
    1. Well, there are two ways of looking at it. In a strict sense, I’d define “wokeness” as being a left-wing ideology that attempts to create the impression of oppression and injustice in situations where it doesn’t exist, or exaggerates it where it does. It views the human person in relationship not to the love of God, but to the hatred of man and society. In fact, its proponents often display the very qualities that they accuse others of having.

      I think wokeness relies on a sense of delusion, paranoia, relativism, and base appeals to emotion, in order to create an atmosphere of fear, intimidation, shame, and mistrust. It seeks to divide rather than unite, preaches hatred rather than love and forgiveness, and looks to silence and stigmatize anyone who disagrees with them. It brooks no debate, no discussion, and no difference of opinion (a fatal flaw in a system that relies on civil political discourse), and it admits to absolutely no possibility of error on the part of its adherents.

      In more human terms, I’d describe it as someone determined to see the world in excessively negative terms and to be miserable as a result.

      Based on your previous comments, I'd define this comment not as a sincere question, but as a provocative statement. I've responded with my own statement, and since we've both had our say, I'll not allow any further comments on it. For 15 years we've had a friendly community here, one in which my occasional political digressions have always been accepted, even by those who disagree, as asides rather than strident political declamations, and I'll not allow it to be turned into a political forum. If you find these terms unacceptable, you're cordially invited to discontinue your participation, with no hard feelings.

  3. And a tense (wake, awaken, woke).


Thanks for writing! Drive safely!