December 4, 2019

Looking for the perfect holiday gift? How about "The Electronic Mirror"!

Now that Thanksgiving has passed, it's prime Christmas shopping season. Are you still hunting for that perfect gift? Or, like the people on the Black Friday commercials, are you thinking about a little treat for yourself? Allow me to suggest The Electronic Mirror: What Classic TV Tells Us About Who We Were and Who We Are (and Everything In-Between). After all, you wouldn't be here if you didn't already like classic television, right? So why not take advantage of it?

The Electronic Mirror looks at how classic TV acts as a time capsule, telling us how life used to be, and in many cases how things got the way they are today. It contains the best of what I've written for It's About TV!, along with many new essays written expressly for the book. Not only does it feature many of your favorite shows and stars, it also places them in context, explaining their meaning and significance. As Carol Ford (Bob Crane: The Definitive Biography) says, "You won't watch TV the same way again!"  Best of all, you'll have fun along the way. If you like It's About TV!, you'll love The Electronic Mirror. And at $12.95 (plus shipping, unless you're a Prime member) it won't break the bank.

The link above takes you to the Amazon link, but The Electronic Mirror is also available at Barnes &, as well as many other online retailers. And if you really want to make it a special gift, how about a signed copy? After you've placed your order, just send me an email (the address is on the sidebar) with your address, telling me who it's for and how you'd like it signed, and I'll send you a bookplate that you can insert in your copy. Don't be shy; I won't bite!

I'm very proud of The Electronic Mirror, and I'm confident you and your favorite classic TV fan will enjoy this trip through television history. If you've already got it (and if you haven't, why not?), consider one of my novels, The Collaborator or The Car, available here. You'll want the complete Mitchell Hadley collection of books, for sure, so order now, in time for your gift-giving! TV  

1 comment:

  1. The Electronic Mirror is a must-have gift for anyone who wants to see TV's impact on society through the late 20th century that has carried into today's society. Mitchell has taken the fascinating substance of his weekly blog and taken it to a higher, very readable and very enjoyable read. It will make you think! Definitely a great gift! My copy is dog eared already...


Thanks for writing! Drive safely!