October 25, 2023

TV Jibe: Your tax dollars at work

Apologies to Horsey


1 comment:

  1. Larry King quoted an old friend of his about some other matter, but it applies here:
    "Once you get past a certain point - it's all WRESTLING!"

    As long as I'm here:
    Should our British friend John Berry see this post - Hello!
    I've been trying to get through to your new platform, with no success whatsoever.
    I can't even find the stuff I've been sending you in days gone by.
    The "instructions" are unintelligible to 73-year-old me, which is annoying as all hell.
    A pity, too, as I've had what I thought were some fairly interesting comments that have apparently vanished ...
    I'd love to be back in touch, but lacking the tech skills is a bother.
    Anyhoo, my Email remains as always:

    This has been Chicago Calling -
    - but this time, you have to call me.


Thanks for writing! Drive safely!