August 7, 2020

Around the dial

It's a light week, but only in terms of quantity—certainty not quality.

If you've followed this weekly feature for any length of time, you know that one of my favorites is the Hitchcock Project summaries that Jack does over at bare•bones e-zine. This week, Jack provides an index to his past reviews; he's got a way to go yet, but I keep telling him he needs to put these in a book.

The provocative Advanced TV Herstory podcast celebrates five years this week with a look back and a look ahead. You might want to dig into the deep archive of past shows to get up-to-speed.

At Garroway at Large, Jodie gives us a fascinating look at what it's been like working on her Dave Garroway biography, and why she—and those like her—do what they do. It's about keeping a memory alive, about keeping history honest, and telling stories that need to be told. In my own modest way, it's what I keep doing as well.

David offers a capital idea over at Comfort TV: if the coronavirus prevents us from having a Fall Season, why not go back to 1970? After all, you can do a whole lot worse than a season that includes Gunsmoke, The Beverly Hillbillies, Marcus Welby M.D., The Dean Martin Show, The Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The F.B.I.

We all know what comes to mind when we think of Lynda Carter—Wonder Woman, right? (I know that's what you were going to say.) Silver Scenes reminds us that there's more to her than that, though, as she looks back and forward to her singing career.

Shadow & Substance looks at Rod Serling's Twilight Zone episode "What You Need," and we get a chance to find out what Serling retained from Lewis Padgett's original short story and what he discarded—and why—in order to make it what TZ needed. TV  


Thanks for writing! Drive safely!