July 22, 2016

Around the dial

Another Friday, another tour of the classic TV blogosphere. Let's see what we can come up with this week!

Ever think of worms as being dangerous? After you read The Last Drive-In's life lesson from Barney Fife, you won't be able to stop thinking about it.

Another episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents on tap at bare-bones e-zine - this time it's the ironic "TouchĂ©," from the show's fourth season, with a twist ending you'll appreciate. 

Ah, Truffaut. I've only seen his films on television, which is why it's appropriate to include this panel discussion on the famed director, courtesy of Classic Film and TV Cafe.

I remember "The Midnight Sun," a classic Twilight Zone episode, from the first time I saw it in syndication. The title, the sense of foreboding - it all worked, as recapped by The Twilight Zone Vortex.

Speaking of the sun as we were, Heat of the Sun is a 1998 Brit detective series that's the latest to undergo the microscope at British TV Detectives.

And speaking of British TV, Cult TV Blog has been silent for a bit, but this post explains it all, and I can't blame him a bit - doesn't that look more fun than blogging?

The DVD release of the seminal 1960s legal drama The Defenders has been hailed by many, and Classic TV History Blog has a very good description of the acclaimed series. I have my copy of course, but I call this a "keep the package" moment - will the show's liberal slant obscure its excellent writing and acting? Time will tell.

I've missed Classic Television Showbiz' long form interviews, many of which were (I suspect) part of his research for his book on comedy, but he's back with a continuation of his interview with the comic Jack Carter.

What do you think? Should I invest in the DVD of The Time Tunnel someday? And would this review of a tie-in novel based on the series, found at Television Obscurities, help me make up my mind? TV  

1 comment:

  1. "What do you think? Should I invest in the DVD of The Time Tunnel someday?"

    If you're at all on the fence, then by all means buy it. Buy it while you still can and while the price is still fairly reasonable. Otherwise in the not-to-distant, all-streaming future that the Hollywood studio conglomerates are pushing us toward, you will only be able to indulge your curiosity by paying exorbitant prices on the secondary market or by subscribing to multiple streaming services in the hopes it will be shown (and shown long enough for you to view it all). If you decide you don't like it, you can always resell the DVDs, unlike the streaming license you will have to "buy". This advice applies to any TV series, and to a lesser extent movies too.


Thanks for writing! Drive safely!