September 9, 2022

Around the dial

Before we get to our regular programming, just a reminder that I'm down to two copies of The Electronic Mirror. If you'd like a free copy (save only for shipping and handling), send me an email. These books need a good home!

The Horn Section is back, and this week it's back to Love That Bob!, with the 1957 episode "Air Force Calls, Grandpa Answers." Grandpa, of course, is played by Bob Cummings, who also directs this episode, the 100th of the series' history.

You probably know that David has been working his way through his project of watching at least one episode of every prime time television series that aired in the 1970s, and at Comfort TV you can read the results as he's now reached Fridays in 1970. See if your memories match his.

At bare-bones e-zine, Jack continues the Hitchcock Project with the second of Kathleen Hite's contributions to the series: the 1958 episode "Two for Tea," with Margaret Leighton, Marsha Hunt, and Murray Matheson making up a nasty little triangle.

I vaguely remember the 1984 primetime soap Glitter, although you would have had to prompt me to recall it. That's why these blogs exist, though, and at RealWeegieMidget, Gill rectifies this with a review of the series pilot, starring Morgan Brittany and David Birney. Do you remember it?

I've enjoyed several classic Doctor Who audio stories by the studio Big Finish, so when John at Cult TV Blog reviews "The Passenger," a 2005 Big Finish release of Sapphire & Steel with David Warner and Susannah Harker as the two principals, I figured it would be a quality production, and it is.

It's another quality interview by Rick at Classic Film & TV Cafe, this time with Nancy Olson Livingston, who went from a Supporting Actress Oscar nomination for Sunset Boulevard  to a long career in movies and television. If you look closely, you'll see her name in tomorrow's TV Guide article!

I don't know why I remember Roller Derby from my youth--who knows how or why we retain such memories?--but they start with black-and-white broadcasts, followed by the more "modern" matches from the late 1960s and early 1970s. I even wrote to receive the newsletter, so I could stay on top of the "action." So there's a nostalgic delight to Paul's article at Drunk TV, reviewing a pair of documentaries on the sport's long and colorful history. 

Finally, the passing yesterday of Queen Elizabeth II marks, unquestionably, the end of an era. The telecast of her coronation in 1953, by contrast, took place at the beginning of an era: the era of television. And yet, all these decades later, and until the coronation of Charles III takes place, it remains the only telecast of a British monarch being crowned. I wrote about that, along with a look at that TV Guide, last year. The Queen was, indeed, a remarkable woman. TV  


  1. Would you have any idea on the date of that Kmart photo? Those people look very somber watching whatever was on those TVs.


Thanks for writing! Drive safely!